This tattoo on the right used 3 basic colors, blue, purple, and green. The colors are done in a light shade. This makes the tattoo stand out. The design is just one single butterfly with no added images or markings. The tattoo stands out because the colors that are used and also because the butterfly outline is done really well. If you are choosing a single butterfly as your tattoo, you want to make sure the color choice is correct and the design is done very well.
The design on the right shows how original colors can work to make a beautiful tattoo. The design is a realistic butterfly. The outer black outline on this design really makes the tattoo standout, even with the dark colors. The artwork is very detailed and this is the perfect example of how to make darker colors work and mesh.
This design is a upper arm shoulder tattoo and it shows how multi colors can work well together. I really like the overall design of the tattoo and the location.
The design on the right shows how single colors and multi butterflies can be used. I want you to notice the importance of the artwork in this tattoo. The two butterflies have a wind tail and it gives the tattoo the appearance of motion. The butterflies are nicely drawn and detailed. Pink and black go great together,
This design on the right also has a wind tail. The rainbow colors are perfectly meshed together in light color shades. The wind tail on this tattoo has more of a ripple effect associated with it, but it is a well drawn tattoo.
The butterfly design can also be used in specific styles of tattooing, such as the Celtic style that is seen on the right. Just like the Japanese design that was above, the butterfly can also be used in Celtic art.
A lot of women that get the butterfly tattoo really don't understand the overall meaning of the tattoo design. For many, the butterfly design doesn't hold any symbolic meaning. Although that is true, for others, it does.
The butterfly stands for transformation among many cultures. The metamorphosis of the butterfly stands for the journey from childhood to adulthood, the transformation to an adult. It symbols the journey we take to grow up and mature. It is also a symbol of beauty and diversity among many cultures as well. The butterfly symbols the overall change a person endures during this stage of their life.
In Western culture, including Japan, one butterfly stands for womanhood and two butterflies stand for marital bliss amongst partners. It is also shared by other cultures.
Even cultures of the past used symbolic meaning from the butterfly. The Aztecs used the butterfly in their spiritual beliefs. They believed that butterflies stood for the souls of the dead. It was also used symbolically within the culture when women died giving birth to their children. It was also used in Mexico and South America for similar reasons.
Overall, the butterfly has many meanings in many different cultures, but transformation seems to be the constant symbolic message from the design. Either way it goes, the butterfly is the top choice of design among women of many cultures, symbolic or not.
If you are thinking about getting a butterfly tattoo or this is your first tattoo, please make sure you go to a tattoo artist that you completely trust. Ask if you can see images of different color schemes for the butterfly design. If the butterfly is what you are considering, be sure to read the tips above. If you are into dark shades and colors, perhaps the butterfly design is not for you. Brighter colors help the butterfly design stand out more. Shop around for an artist and try to read reviews on them or look at past tattoos they have done.
Don't rush into a tattoo by all means. This is something you will wear for the rest of your life. You want to make sure you take the time out to do your research. There are thousands upon thousands of different designs and styles you can choose from. Make sure you are 100% sure on the choice you have made before you decide to get your tattoo. I hope you have found this article helpful and if you are doing research, please feel free to follow the links below to get more ideas for your tattoo.
The design on the right shows how original colors can work to make a beautiful tattoo. The design is a realistic butterfly. The outer black outline on this design really makes the tattoo standout, even with the dark colors. The artwork is very detailed and this is the perfect example of how to make darker colors work and mesh.
This design is a upper arm shoulder tattoo and it shows how multi colors can work well together. I really like the overall design of the tattoo and the location.
The design on the right shows how single colors and multi butterflies can be used. I want you to notice the importance of the artwork in this tattoo. The two butterflies have a wind tail and it gives the tattoo the appearance of motion. The butterflies are nicely drawn and detailed. Pink and black go great together,
This design on the right also has a wind tail. The rainbow colors are perfectly meshed together in light color shades. The wind tail on this tattoo has more of a ripple effect associated with it, but it is a well drawn tattoo.
The butterfly design can also be used in specific styles of tattooing, such as the Celtic style that is seen on the right. Just like the Japanese design that was above, the butterfly can also be used in Celtic art.
A lot of women that get the butterfly tattoo really don't understand the overall meaning of the tattoo design. For many, the butterfly design doesn't hold any symbolic meaning. Although that is true, for others, it does.
The butterfly stands for transformation among many cultures. The metamorphosis of the butterfly stands for the journey from childhood to adulthood, the transformation to an adult. It symbols the journey we take to grow up and mature. It is also a symbol of beauty and diversity among many cultures as well. The butterfly symbols the overall change a person endures during this stage of their life.
In Western culture, including Japan, one butterfly stands for womanhood and two butterflies stand for marital bliss amongst partners. It is also shared by other cultures.
Even cultures of the past used symbolic meaning from the butterfly. The Aztecs used the butterfly in their spiritual beliefs. They believed that butterflies stood for the souls of the dead. It was also used symbolically within the culture when women died giving birth to their children. It was also used in Mexico and South America for similar reasons.
Overall, the butterfly has many meanings in many different cultures, but transformation seems to be the constant symbolic message from the design. Either way it goes, the butterfly is the top choice of design among women of many cultures, symbolic or not.
If you are thinking about getting a butterfly tattoo or this is your first tattoo, please make sure you go to a tattoo artist that you completely trust. Ask if you can see images of different color schemes for the butterfly design. If the butterfly is what you are considering, be sure to read the tips above. If you are into dark shades and colors, perhaps the butterfly design is not for you. Brighter colors help the butterfly design stand out more. Shop around for an artist and try to read reviews on them or look at past tattoos they have done.
Don't rush into a tattoo by all means. This is something you will wear for the rest of your life. You want to make sure you take the time out to do your research. There are thousands upon thousands of different designs and styles you can choose from. Make sure you are 100% sure on the choice you have made before you decide to get your tattoo. I hope you have found this article helpful and if you are doing research, please feel free to follow the links below to get more ideas for your tattoo.